Thursday, January 13, 2011

Welcome to our CEP 891 Class Bulletin Board!

This bulletin board is a space for us to share links to news items, pics, videos, websites, etc. that we think may be of interest to our colleagues in 891. No need to write a long comment if you don't have time. A link with a short title or explanation is fine.

I'll go first. Here's a link to a recent piece in the NY Times that puts side by side five popular tablets (such as the Apple iPad and the HP Slate) and compares them. If you don't know much about tablets, or if you're thinking about buying one, you may want to take a quick look.

Also: Nick Bilton in a December post on the NY Times "Bits" blog wrote this:
Reports released throughout the year by Forrester Research and IDC, market research firms that track electronics usage and sales, say that the tablet market is going to explode in the coming years. IDC predicts that 42 million tablets will be sold in the United States in 2011 alone.

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to share a very interesting article on Search Engines. Read it by clicking here or highlighting the text and copying it to your browser:
